Saturday, November 7, 2009


what do you all think about taking this approach with the Mutual Theme this year? Leave your opinions as a comment.


Shaunna said...

I think it would be a fun idea! What are you thoughts for the program?

Marie said...

It's cute!

Janet said...

I soooooo like the idea of It's a Jungle Out There. Sure hope you'll share more as your ideas blossom!!

MARCIA said...

That is such a good idea. It's so true, it is a jungle out there. Good play with words!!

Carolyn said...

Our girls have wanted to do something on a jungle theme for the past year, but it never worked out. Maybe this is a good opportunity. Thanks for the idea. I appreciate you.

Anonymous said...


I am a YW President in Murray. I loved your detailed lesson schedule I found on SugarDoodle for Manual 1. Are you doing it again this year? I loved how you put the P.P. value experiences next to the lesson it applies to. It really helped our advisors out and the girls accomplished more this year than ever before with their P.P. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't Serverd be spelled Served?
Cute idea.

Jill Garrison said...

thanks for the typo notification, darn art programs dont catch stuff LOL good thing we didnt send this out yet LOL

Tiffanee said...

I love this idea! I hope you don't mind if I use this as a theme for a Beehive Conference.

Michelle said...

The jungle theme is a great tie-in to the new theme. We just used a jungle theme for evening of excellence and tied everything back to the value colors. It could easily be tweaked for New Beginnings and the 2010 them. I found it online last year when I was looking for ideas, made some changes and would be happy to pass along as a starting point for you. michellehowe107 at msn dot com

Colorado Oldroyds said...

Just found your blog, thanks for sharing all the cute ideas. I love the jungle idea, but I was also thinking about doing a superhero theme to emphasize being strong and courageous. We talked about even making capes for each girl with their initial, but that's about as far as we got. I think you could do a ton with the jungle theme, keep the ideas coming. Didn't we just finish YWIE?:)

jenlvsdragonfly said...

We love the idea and will be using it for our New Beginnings! Love your blog. Thanks for the cute ideas.