I did this activity off of ldssplash.com - I didnt think I could find the link so I started redoing it, of course I found it but I kinda like mine better *laugh* But it is up to you what you want to use...

Ding sheet 1 http://www.4shared.com/file/132096460/a3a6906e/_2__ding1.html
Ding sheet 2 http://www.4shared.com/file/132097023/e176cb69/_2__ding2.html
How to do the activity sheet -http://www.4shared.com/file/132097060/1c135fd7/_3__Young_Womens_Budget_Activity.html
Ledger and Expense Sheet - http://www.4shared.com/file/132097036/88070ea7/_2__ledger_and_expense_sheet.html
Adorable. Thanks for sharing... Trying to work out an outline of the activity in my head... any help?
There are instructions on the How to do the activity.... do you need more help?
email me at j.l.garrison@sbcglobal.net
Thanks so much for sharing your cute stuff!!
I just found your link to this from the yahoo group. This sounds like such a cute activity. I am having trouble opening the instructions though. Everything else worked fine. I couldn't find the original activity on ldssplash either. If you could help me, I would appreciate it!!
The ledge and expense sheet link is not opening. It says that the link is invalid. Would you correct the link? Thank you! This is an awesome activity idea and I look forward to using it.
umm.... how does the dollars work? Thanks Jill
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